bloop℠ team | Today, you get to meet the extraordinary.

bringing together passionate people in a channel of opportunities.

today you get to meet the extraordinary.

if you don't get it, we're talking about helping you discover the extraordinary in you.

web design and development team Whoever told you only doctors do surgery did not have web geeks as friends.
It takes a broad skill set to complete a Web Team. You have your designers, coding experts, and leaders. We are all essentially problem solvers.
resource team
We are not the office police.
We are employee advocates. Our role is to preserve the company’s overall health through out-of-the-box solutions.
creative team Stop calling us hipsters. “We’d like to be excused from that narrative.”
We share the same goal with our clients; we learn from their business, they learn from us.
account management team We are guilty of giggling in the middle of phone calls for no apparent reason.
We are a diverse team of talented individuals who build beautiful connections with companies and brands from all over the world.
bookkeeping team Bookkeepers deal with a lot of responsibilities—the toughest one would be keeping you level headed during tax season.
We safeguard the completeness and accuracy of all financial transactions and reports in a systematic and logical manner.
content and
seo team
We couldn’t write our team description - there’s just no way to put our brilliance into words.
When you’re not sure how to express it, we’ll read between the lines and put it all together the way you imagine it.
CADD work is serious business. There’s just no way you can joke about it.
A new CADD project means new beginnings for a person or an organization. It’s exciting to touch people’s lives in that sense.
assurance team
We’re rating these jokes
“below average.”
A rework is necessary.
We inspire excellence.
retention specialists You haven’t heard of retention specialists. Typical.
As strategists, we work in the background to make sure everything falls into place and the organization doesn’t fall apart.
team elevate Paolo F.
I’m literally a one-man team.
At Elevate, we work with our clients to help them grow their business. Social media management, graphic design, content, and website management - it’s an endless exploration.
team rooland One word: Badass.
Rooland is a creative studio nestled between the mountains and the sea in Wollongong, Australia. Our tight-knit team works closely with our clients to craft a wide range of brand design services.
media team
This era is ours. We control it.
We build and execute social media marketing strategies by creating engaging content and running compelling ad campaigns.
admin and
finance team
Stashed money and tissues — these are not the only things we deal with.
We are the legs of the operation. Our job is to keep everything running smoothly and everybody satisfied.
Retention Specialists
Retention Specialists
Team Elevate
Team Elevate
Social Media Team
admin and Finance Team
Web Design and Development Team
Web Design and Development Team
Human Resource Team
Human Resource Team
Creative Team
Creative Team
Account Management Team
Account Management Team
Bookkeeping Team
Bookkeeping Team
Content and SEO Team
Content and SEO Team
Team Drafthings
Team Drafthings
Quality Assurance Team
Quality Assurance Team
Retention Specialists
Retention Specialists
Team Elevate
Team Elevate
Team Rooland
Team Rooland
Social Media Team
Social Media Team
admin and Finance Team
Admin and Finance Team
Web Design and Development Team
Admin and Finance Team
Creative Team
Account Management Team
Bookkeeping Team
Content and SEO Team
Team Drafthings
Quality Assurance Team
Retention Specialists
Team Elevate
Team Rooland
Social Media Team
admin and Finance Team
  • web design and development
  • human resource
  • creatives
  • account management
  • bookkeeping
  • content and seo
  • drafthings
  • quality assurance
  • retention
  • elevate
  • rooland
  • social media
  • admin and finance
Suzanne Haddon
Suzanne Haddon
Suzanne Haddon
Just when we thought things couldn’t get any wilder... She joins the team.
Donald Bert Burkholder
We never make him feel like he’s the boss. But he’s still the boss.
Donald Bert Burkholder
Donald Bert Burkholder

If we look at bloopSM as an ecosystem, teams and individuals are not only here to coexist but to

collaborate. imagine the unimaginable and make it happen. reinvent corporate culture. establish genuine partnerships. create expanding concentric ripples. make an impact. influence. get you noticed. make awesome happen. make genius happen. make YOU happen.